Saturday, April 4, 2015

What you need to know about laser hair removal


Does this type of hair removal is actually the perfect option for you? To clarify this question, we made a special guide for you know better this type of hair removal and take your questions before.

How laser hair removal works

Through laser hair removal the hair is eliminated because the laser does a penetration in the matrix and eliminates the hair follicle that is responsible for the growth of new hair.

This hair removal hurt?

The laser treatment generates maximum discomfort is not that great. Everything depends on the sensitivity of each type of person, as some may feel more stinging than the other. If you have already removed their by wax, laser hair removal will be even more quiet.

In which regions can I do laser hair removal?

The hair removal can be done in different regions having at and even the groin, it is excellent to eliminate ingrown hairs that both annoy women's lives.

How many sessions are needed?

Typically, people make 4 to 6 sessions. Each session is scheduled in a 30-day mean interval so that those who are eliminated by the laser in the early stages are destroyed after.

Laser hair removal has risks?

Like any other procedure with laser, this type of hair removal also has risks. It is essential to look for a clinic with professional experts, for unregulated devices in the right way can create bubbles, darkening of the region and in severe cases even 2nd degree burns.

This hair removal is even final?

There are regions of the uncontrollable growth hormone by issues such as, for example, by the upper lip. In other regions of the body is difficult to have the birth of the new, but if the hair removal will or will not definitive largely depend on the person, because each one has a reaction that can be different.

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