Sunday, April 5, 2015

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects for Houstonians

Laser hair removal in Houston is rather an old technology that evolved in 1970s. This old technology has received a new face-lift due to its popularity as a treatment option for permanent hair removal. However, this technique has a darker side to its application. people wishing to seek this treatment should first understand the side effects of the laser hair removal treatment.

The technique of laser hair removal in Houston, TX

In order to understand the side effects of this technique, it is first very necessary that you understand exactly how this technique works. Without getting into too many technical details, we will first understand the brief functioning of this treatment. As the name suggests, the laser hair removal technique involves the use of a laser. This laser is a special and intense light that affects the hair on your body, but leaves the skin underneath the hair virtually harmless and intact in most cases. Once the Houston specialist directs the laser on the body part containing the unwanted hair, the effect is immediate. The hair follicles are affected by the light and the hair growing capacity of such follicles is diminished. Thus, once the unwanted hair is burnt away, the process of rapid hair growth is stunted and stalled. Contrary to popular belief however, this technique does not guarantee permanent hair loss solution for unwanted hair.

Limitations for laser hair removal:

The limitations as well as side effects of laser hair removal treatment can range from very minor to very serious. In terms of limitations, the laser hair removal technique does not work well on red, white and blonde hair. Thus, you need to have certain qualities as clients to qualify for this procedure. This technique cannot be used on people having significant medical problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and so on. Pregnant women also cannot seek this treatment in Houston, Texas. When one overlooks these important limitations, and get this treatment despite not being a candidate, the side effects surface and in this case remain unavoidable.
Firstly, laser technique makes use of a highly intensity light that is not always tolerated by everyone. Secondly, one of the most serious and potentially devastating side effects of this technique takes the form of striping. In striping, red to pink rashes appear on the affected areas in the form of stripes. If you notice any kind of abnormal allergy after laser treatment, you should see a doctor immediately before the striping progresses.
Some other temporary side effects include light or dark patches on the skin. If the machines are not tuned properly to the skin type, the person can also suffer form burn marks. Sometimes, people having allergies like herpes can also experience a sudden outburst of the allergy. Hence, prior consultation with a doctor is a must.
However, Many of the above side effects can be avoided if you follow a few precautions. In case you experience any side effects, it is necessary that you see your Houston area dermatologist immediately to avoid lasting damage.

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