Saturday, April 4, 2015

Laser Hair Removal: the ninth World Wonder of the Modern


My wife's troubled life a thousand and one uses changed once after I discovered laser hair removal Via Laser.

It was in December 2013, on a sunny day to crack, I was off the afternoon and all set to go to picina club with my son when (baby oooh ahhhhhhhhhh) that panic guy .. forgot waxing !!
Allergic intolerance to blades, and an epilator without time to meet me again the club was for another day ... anger cubed! That day I decided that I would make the laser hair removal!
I researched a lot about the best technologies and benefit cost and readily opted Via Laser alexandrite and his machine.
One of the main reasons for the choice was able to count on a skilled professional in the application, you will always be answered by a physical therapist or doctor.
At the time I did armpit, a dream we always say, I now have global axilla (armpit lie ... I speak of global ... lol) and groin, of course ... are already 2 new life summers and I still have one of the groin sessions of my package to do.
But my life was not complete, I need to do to mid-thigh, and you will follow here and in social networks session by session, and was left in any doubt about the effectiveness of the method, this will be remedied.

The Vialaser and the Alexandrite method
Considered the most efficient and comfortable laser market, Vialaser network is the first and only network of hair removal SC betting on Alexandrite to eliminate by.
More efficient because it also removes the finest. More comfortable because it has a unique cooling technique, which freezes the skin giving comfort and safety to patients.
The Alexandrite works as follows: search the highly concentrated melanin in the hair root and produces overheating and death of the hair bulb (root). Damage the structure with energy shooting. As the Alexandrite has a higher peak power, each session takes place very quickly. Moreover, this laser is more effective in removing the finer as the fluff them.
The Alexandrite combines the laser gas, responsible for cooling the skin, leaving the most comfortable and safe process. In other lasers, for example, there is a need to use a gel to cool and is not as efficient as is the cryogen gas, and it is also common to use anesthetic creams at the time of treatment as the pain produced by other laser is very more than Alexandrite machine used in Vialaser.
In addition to offering all these advantages the Alexandrite method and equipment used in Vialaser is regulated in the source agency (FDA - USA) and also in ANVISA, providing all the necessary safety and undergoing regular maintenance through specialized teams.

Now that you know the benefits that Vialaser brings you just check your free trial to begin eliminating those unwanted hair from your body.

Always follow the banner of Via Laser here on the blog and also in my social networks to promote the month.

Every month a new top promotion for you. Now in March, you get a 10 session package for an area and for 1 REAL wins another package of equal or lesser value to another area. Will miss this ??? And all subdivided 10X ta!?!
Our Lady of the jammed ... pray for us !!! Why with hair removal via laser, there is the never jammed !! folliculitis by by !!

In the next post's tale more about the method and about my new partner, Via Laser.

1 comment: Post Yours! Read Comment Policy ▼

  1. This is perhaps the biggest myth surrounding the treatment. Lasers do not remove hair permanently; in fact they reduce hair growth. 真空除毛



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