Friday, April 3, 2015

The Secret of Laser Hair Removal


Today I made my fifth session of laser hair removal and I am super happy with the results, so I decided to share my opinion with you. I know a lot of people out there curious about laser hair removal, or who dreams of getting rid of inconvinientes hair, or just want to lower the amount. And I'm not talking about women just do not, men are also now sticking to fashion and using laser hair removal as an alternative.

Well, I'm doing the treatment in Bikini area here in the US, they call "Brazilian Bikini", and then you choose the style: Side, partial or total. It depends on the taste and the customer $$$ pocket But I confess it's worth ... I am very hairy and always shaved me with wax since 15 years. Every month was that suffering, and in my case my decreased by never, on the contrary, I think increased ... So last year I decided to give me a gift of a laser hair removal. I went to the clinic and they did a review on my hair. Because not everyone can do, unfortunately.

Who can?

People with dark skin tone generally can not, because it has a lot of melanin in the body and the laser can make the skin dark. They do a test before. People with light hair can not. The result is better in men who have the line "Tony Ramos." "The more hair, thicker and black, best, for the best type is those who have light skin and dark for the good, and the thicker the better. Bingo !!! Gave just right for me, and then I closed a package of seven sessions, the "Brazilian Bikini Total" ... Aloprei soon .. If it is to suffer, to suffer just once ... hehehehe

Care before and after treatment:

Before each session you should take some precautions such as not taking sun for 4 weeks in the affected area, not discolor the hair, not shave with wax (hair must're grown) and only on the day you shave with a razor blade. You must use an anesthetic cream in the area that will use the laser. Usually I spent a thick layer of cream between 40 to 60 minutes before the session begins. After the session has to wait at least 15 days to face the sun again, then have to is always with sunscreen.

And it hurts?

It hurts. Who says that it hurts not is not telling the truth, it hurts and it hurts even. The laser heats the follicles to 100 degrees centigrade; it burns. Each time the laser jet hits on your skin is as if they were burning her with a cigarette. It's just a burnt quick, hard type 1 second, but depending on the size of the area is 50, 100 shots of these. Only thus, in areas that have less hair, which are thinner you hardly feel. It hurts more where hair is concentrated, but over time decreases the hair and now in the fifth session I felt less pain than the first time. Also the anesthetic cream helps, so it is important to go before the session.

But is it definitive?

Well I think the final term is not appropriate. But you see a drastic reduction in hair. Type'm in the fifth session and the hair decreased 80%. And from session to session which lasts from 6 to 8 weeks hardly notice grow and when it grows is very thin and one here and one there. This is because the hit by laser grow no more - the process kills the hair follicle. I have a friend who has 4 years ago and she said that the hair does not grow again. But some people sometimes need to do maintenance after a few years. However, these new born by which over time will a lesser extent, thinner and spaced.

And after all, worth it?

TOTAL! I had lots of fur. It was a wonder to shave. The best thing I did in life. It hurts but you can bear. And when we see the result, not even remember it hurt more. And this thing that laser hair removal is a woman's thing and gay is bullshit. It has nothing to do. In Europe it is very common. If it's something that bothers you, why not?

Once finished my treatment I'm already thinking of getting a second in another area in the body. But I will still set calmly, because the price is hefty and you pay per session (do not know the values ​​in Brazil). But recently went on the market a big news is that the laser Homemade Tria. He looks more like a hairdryer and from what I've read on the net the chicks are worshiping and seeing the same results of the professional laser. For now you can only buy the laser in the United States. Here's to sell for $ 595 (but if that actually work as people are talking about, I think a good investment.

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