Monday, April 6, 2015

Permanent Laser Hair Removal in the Houston, Texas Metro

Are you tired of watching your unwanted hair flourish despite seeing your local Houston area beautician every other week? If yes, then it may be time for you consider the option of laser hair removal technique for having a perfect solution to your problem.

A Permanent Solution for Houstonians:

It is very frustrating when the tresses fail to grow, as you want, even as the unwanted hair spread their roots when you turn your back on them. At least, a part of your problem can be solved if you use the permanent solution for hair removal. Unnecessary and unwanted hair grow can be a real problem, if they have a tendency to grow more quickly than you can say wax. Hence, in such cases the traditional ways of removing hair like threading, waxing, shaving etc fail to work effectively.
Thus, laser hair removal is relatively permanent as compared to the other techniques. The trick lies deep within the technology of laser hair removal. Basically, when you use laser, a strong light is used to burn off excess hair from a particular part of the body. Once the hair are burnt, they fail to re grow with as much vengeance as before. Even if you do get some amount of hair growth, the new hair are softer and are of lighter shades. This is because; the laser destroys the tendency of the hair follicles to grow more hair. However, laser hair technology all said and done does not guarantee permanent loss of unwanted hair. The results also vary depending on the type of skin and the coarseness of the hair.

Important Laser Hair Removal Considerations for all Texans

Laser hair removal technique is sometimes also known as the photoepilation or phototricholysis technique. The laser hair removal treatment is in high demand around Houston because of its longer hair free periods. Many women as compared to men are drawn to this technique. However it is not unusual for men in Houston having especially rougher and thicker body hair to seek this treatment. Thus, the laser hair removal technique is prominently a beauty treatment. However; under no circumstance can this treatment be performed by anyone other than a specialist.
The permanent hair removal is seen most prominently in the case of people with dark skin tones or dark and brown hair colours. Sometimes, this treatment can be potentially useless for people having red, blonde or gray hair. This technique is very safe, though incorrect application can cause significant skin damage. For having a more or less permanent hair removal solution, you will have to undergo several sessions with a Houston specialist.
The specialists in Texas use many machines, each with their own characteristics to help remove unwanted hair. However, as mentioned above, many a times, the term permanent is a relative term and is used to compare the effectiveness of laser technique as against the traditional hair removal systems.
Thus, Houston residents can consider this treatment option, as long as you follow a few guidelines and understand the technique that goes into the permanent laser hair removal treatment.

Permanent Laser Hair Removal in the Houston

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Hair removal cream - Good for Houstonians?

Unwanted hair is a major problem for most people in Houston (or anywhere - we’re not that hairy). They resort to different means for getting rid of the ungainly mane. From the most primitive to the highly advanced, there are different ways of hair removal for Texans. One of the most simple and quiet popular products is the hair removal cream.

What is the hair removal cream?

Hair removal cream is any beauty cosmetic cream that is created specially for removing unwanted hair from areas like arms, legs, chest, back and more. There are different types of hair removal creams all with their own sets of pros and cons. You are likely to be bombarded with choice when you stop at your local store in Houston for getting beauty products. Hair removal cream is almost a rage among teenagers, busy employees and all those who are willing to spend a little less on hair removal. Thus, you are likely to face a lot of problem while choosing a hair cream that best suits your skin.

Houstonians Choosing hair removal cream:

When you are trying to choose a hair removal cream it is very important that you take a few things into account. First of all brand is very important. As far as possible choose a hair removal cream that bears the brand of a reputable and controversy free company no matter how expensive it seems next to a pink bottle of hair removal cream of an unknown brand. You also need to read the instruction and ingredients written on the back of the bottle to ensure that the cream does not contain any chemical that you are especially allergic to. Don’t go by the looks of the bottle and the fragrance of the cream alone. Sometimes they can be very deceptive to say the least. When you choose a hair removal cream ensure that it bears the safety code and stamp like the FDA. Don’t buy any cream that is reluctant to expose the name of the ingredients and the chemicals hidden in the cream

Applying Hair Removal Cream for Houston TX Residents

Once you choose a hair removal cream, be sure that you test it on a small patch of your skin before applying it at large. Engage in a small patch test by applying the cream on the back of your hand. Allow twenty fours to elapse to ensure that you are getting no allergic reaction to the cream. If you notice any redness or swelling, avoid applying the cream at all.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hair removal cream is very cheap in Texas as compared to other products. It is easy to apply and can be used by anyone without a problem. It is also the best option for people who are unwillingly to seek treatment from strangers. However, this product is ineffective in the long run. Sometimes the hairs, which grow back, are coarser and heavier than before.
Despite these limitations, the hair removal cream is one of the most popular products for Houston residents looking to get rid of unwanted hair in a cheap and quick way.
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Laser Hair Removal for Houston TX Men

There is a very common and amusing misconception that only women seek hair removal treatment in any and all formats. Though you are not likely to see men getting a wax in the open, you can come across several of these men waiting patiently in Houston laser hair removal clinic as clients. Many specialists also claim that half their clients are men. In fact, there are some special types of laser hair removal techniques that are performed on men.

The need for laser hair removal technique

Men in Houston experience significant hair growth. This growth is greater and thicker as compared to women. Men specially have a lot of body hair on their chest, backs legs and arms. Treatment is often sought by athletic men and also male models and actors. Texan men who spend a lot of time on the beach are also compelled to try out the method of laser hair removal. Initially, shaving was the most important and predominant method of removing excess hair from the body for men. Now a days however, many have realized the potential advantages of the laser hair removal treatment technique.

Some important points and treatment options in Houston, TX

As opposed to other types of hair removal options like waxing and shaving, the laser hair removal technique for men can be faster and easier if not safer. While waxing can be particularly painful due to the excess hair of men as compared to women, shaving will only ensure that you get the hair quicker and coarser than before. Laser air treatment is very effective as you can get immediate and lasting effects at a short time. It can take anywhere between a single or two sessions for the job to be done effectively. Laser hair removal treatment is also more permanent as compared to other traditional forms of hair removal treatments. This technique works specially well for men as the laser can target large areas of the body for removing unwanted hair. Thus, you can seek this treatment to sort out the tangle of hair on your chest, back and other major areas of your body. A typical laser session in Houston, Texas can last anywhere between an hour to an hour and a half. Though you start noticing a change immediately after a session or two, you may require five to six settings for getting the complete effect and for achieving a complete hair loss for good.

Some Disadvantages and Counter-Advantages to Laser Hair Removal

The price tag in Houston can be the major disadvantage of this treatment. Seeking treatment from a Houston-area reputable and skilled specialist can cause you anywhere between $500 to $800 per session. Though the cost seems exuberant, this treatment can help you save loads more money on waxing and other forms of treatment that you may require every other month. Some men can suffer from side effects if they are not properly screened for this treatment.
Barring a few disadvantages, the overall treatment of laser hair removal for men is simply perfect and serves as a simple solution to a daunting problem.
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Should Residents of Houston Use Laser Hair Removal Machines?

Laser hair removal techniques are catching up as a great way of enhancing beauty and getting rid of unwanted hair. This technique makes use of high intensity light that effectively destroys the hair growing capacity of the follicles. Thus, for Houstonians to perform this treatment effectively, you need to have the right kind of machines for laser hair removal treatment.

Laser hair removal machines and their characteristics

The laser hair removal machines need to meet basically two main criteria. First is that they need to be very safe and secure for use. Secondly, there should also be effective in giving the desired results. Typically, any kind of laser hair removing machine can be manufactured and purchased only if it received the stamp of approval (the FDA’s stamp of approval). Do not buy any equipment in Houston, TX for commercial rule until and unless it sports the safety stamp of approval.
The first machine that received the FDA stamp of approval was the Thermolase Corporation’s soft light hair removal system however; the machine soon developed problems and was evicted from the market. Thus, it is clear that merely getting a stamp of approval is not enough; the machines need to be very effective and should meet all the criteria of safety prescribed by the official guidelines of safety stated by the state.

Types of Hair Removal Machines Around Houston

There are different types of hair removal machines that are available today in the Houston Texas market. The difference in the machines primarily lies in the name tag of the manufacturing company, as the basic mechanism behind the machines remain the same. Some of the very famous and highly advanced machines include the alexandrite laser. This machine makes use of the long pulse of laser light to operate for hair removal. It is most popularly used for treating hair with different degrees of coarseness on the same individual. This machine is also perhaps the fastest machine there is. Besides, the different types of machines in Houston also depend upon the type of the laser hair removal system.
Like the alexandrite laser, some other popular machines include Ruby laser. This machine is best suited for lighter skin tones. The power of this machine is low and hence it is best suited for the lighter skin tone individuals. The ND Yag laser is another popular laser removal machine. This machine facilitates in the treatment of tanned and dark skin tones. This machine also works the best on coarse hair. Another equally effective laser hair removal machine is the Diode laser. This machine has long wavelengths meaning that large areas of the body can be tackled at one go.
Thus, the type of machine you need to use depends on the requirements of the client. No matter what the need, there are different types of laser machines which all can effectively work for almost all clients. While buying in the Houston local market however, you need to follow a few precautions and buy a machine or different systems that can best meet your demands.
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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Tips for Affordable Laser Hair Removal in Houston, TX

Laser hair removal technique in Houston has almost revolutionized the beauty industry due to its quick easy fix for a very daunting problem of the removal of unwanted hair. Though this technique is becoming very popular, it is still taken cautiously by Houston men and women living on a tight budget. This supposedly expensive treatment can however be made very affordable with a few tips and tricks.

Typical Laser Hair Removal Expenses in Houston

The laser hair removal treatment in the Houston metro is not cheap mainly because of the technology and skill involved. Also, another reason for the expense is the use of expensive equipments. Laser equipments do require maintenance and specialists in Texas look forward to covering the cost through the payment from the client.

Laser Hair Removal Tips and tricks

Laser hair removal in Houston is actually becoming increasing affordable with each passing day. This is because the competition has increased and many specialists come up with workable and affordable schemes to attract attention. Thus, you can first of all conduct a bit of research and check out the prices imposed by different reputable and skilled specialist. The cost or the expense of the laser hair removal treatment depends upon the area that you want to get treatment for. While the bikini treatment is the cheapest, the back and the chest can be the most expensive.
Thus, in order to minimize the cost, you can first check out the effectiveness of the treatments beginning with the small areas before moving forward. Once you are convinced of the effectiveness, you can get an appointment for further sessions from the Houston area specialists.
Typically, the more sessions you take, the more discount you will be offered. So don’t hesitate to work out some sort of scheme with a specialist. Many specialists in Houston offer discount of their own accord and some even offer you the convenience of installments. It is also very wise to seek treatment only from one specialist. If you constantly change your specialist, the prices can go up, as you will not get a discount with your every visit.
If you have a constant problem with rapid hair growth and would like to get rid of the hair from all areas of your body, it would be prudent to let the doctors know about your plan in the beginning. The larger the area you want to cover with this treatment, the less expensive the treatment. This is because; the Houston-area specialist is likely to give you a heavy discount on the entire package as opposed to a single face hair removal session.
However, as far as possible do not approach a specialist who offers you unbelievable prices, because more often then not, the treatment is unbelievably ineffective. These specialists use very cheap equipment that can actually make your hair grow back in a couple of months.
Thus, by following a few precautions, and by using your ingenuity you can find an affordable laser hair removal treatment in the Houston, TX metro area and save thousands of bucks on other hair removal systems in the bargain.
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Laser Hair Removal Side Effects for Houstonians

Laser hair removal in Houston is rather an old technology that evolved in 1970s. This old technology has received a new face-lift due to its popularity as a treatment option for permanent hair removal. However, this technique has a darker side to its application. people wishing to seek this treatment should first understand the side effects of the laser hair removal treatment.

The technique of laser hair removal in Houston, TX

In order to understand the side effects of this technique, it is first very necessary that you understand exactly how this technique works. Without getting into too many technical details, we will first understand the brief functioning of this treatment. As the name suggests, the laser hair removal technique involves the use of a laser. This laser is a special and intense light that affects the hair on your body, but leaves the skin underneath the hair virtually harmless and intact in most cases. Once the Houston specialist directs the laser on the body part containing the unwanted hair, the effect is immediate. The hair follicles are affected by the light and the hair growing capacity of such follicles is diminished. Thus, once the unwanted hair is burnt away, the process of rapid hair growth is stunted and stalled. Contrary to popular belief however, this technique does not guarantee permanent hair loss solution for unwanted hair.

Limitations for laser hair removal:

The limitations as well as side effects of laser hair removal treatment can range from very minor to very serious. In terms of limitations, the laser hair removal technique does not work well on red, white and blonde hair. Thus, you need to have certain qualities as clients to qualify for this procedure. This technique cannot be used on people having significant medical problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and so on. Pregnant women also cannot seek this treatment in Houston, Texas. When one overlooks these important limitations, and get this treatment despite not being a candidate, the side effects surface and in this case remain unavoidable.
Firstly, laser technique makes use of a highly intensity light that is not always tolerated by everyone. Secondly, one of the most serious and potentially devastating side effects of this technique takes the form of striping. In striping, red to pink rashes appear on the affected areas in the form of stripes. If you notice any kind of abnormal allergy after laser treatment, you should see a doctor immediately before the striping progresses.
Some other temporary side effects include light or dark patches on the skin. If the machines are not tuned properly to the skin type, the person can also suffer form burn marks. Sometimes, people having allergies like herpes can also experience a sudden outburst of the allergy. Hence, prior consultation with a doctor is a must.
However, Many of the above side effects can be avoided if you follow a few precautions. In case you experience any side effects, it is necessary that you see your Houston area dermatologist immediately to avoid lasting damage.
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Laser Hair Removal Training in Houston, Texas

Laser hair removal treatment in the Houston metro is performed by specialists. You need to undergo serious training to gain expertise in this treatment. Since laser treatment is a delicate technique, it can be done only by highly trained specialists.

A brief history of Laser Hair Removal:

Like all great inventions, laser hair removal technique was discovered by accident in 1970s when a technician accidentally exposed his arm under a laser. The effect was immediate and amazing as the arm remained unharmed, but the exposed hair was all burnt away. This technique then was developed to perfection giving raise to photodynamic therapy or laser hair removal treatment.

Training: can any Houstonian seek it?

Laser hair removal training can be done only by doctors, electrologists, medical assistants, physicians’ and nurses in Texas. There are many Houston clinics that can give you the treatment you require. You can also approach any skin specialist for gaining more information on laser hair removal technique.

Activities included in training:

Laser hair removal training does not deal with merely the use of laser. A highly trained specialist usually undergoes vigorous training in many aspects. Typically, a training session begins with theoretical background on both the nature of hair and their growth. You will also be grilled on the history of laser Technique and its advance in technology. Reading up on laser hair technique is also beneficial at this time. Next, you will be given complete information regarding laser hair removal equipment and the types of treatment options for the same.
This phase of training is usually followed by the theoretical understanding of different skin types and the biology behind them. The effects of laser hair removal technique on these different skin types like dark, fair, red hair, gray hair etc is demonstrated. Here you can easily see the effectiveness of laser hair treatment on dark hair colors. Thus, you will also understand the limitation of this treatment options in regards with other hair colors. You will also be given training in terms of different hair removal treatments like smoke evacuation treatment.
Besides training residents of the Houston metro area in understanding the advantages of laser hair removal technique as opposed to traditional hair removal techniques, a good trainer will also inform you about the disadvantages or side effects of laser treatment. You will also be given an insight on safe handling of the equipment and safe and clean way of treating your clients. All good training programs will also include practical application after each theoretical aspect is enforced. After finishing your training, you will be given a certificate for the same, which should be produced as and when requested by the client. The cost of training depends on the training institute in Houston and the facilities offered by them.

Important considerations:

However, this training is not likely to be very cheap. Also, not all are eligible for getting training. Prospective students in Houston need to get more information on this aspect before seeking training. However, interested candidates having the necessary qualifications can easily get trained as a full-fledged specialist in laser hair removal technique.
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Waxing Hair Removal in Houston

Waxing is the foremost method of removing unwanted hair. This technique is foolproof and guarantees unwanted hair removal in a smooth and effective way. This is also the oldest technique of hair removal.

What is a hair removal wax?

Waxing is perhaps the first intensive beauty treatment that is done by teenage girls and boys in the Houston area. In this procedure usually, a thick paste is used for removing the hair. This paste is a mixture of lemon, honey and sugar. It is very sticky and is applied liberally on the body parts. Waxing can be done in either the hot wax way or the cold wax way. In hot wax, the paste is heated. Before it cools, it is then applied on the skin. Then the Houston area specialist uses a strip of cloth to peel away the paste. The paste is peeled along with the excess hair in a matter of seconds, leaving the skin smooth and soft. These waxing strips are easily available in all leading stores and are very cheap and disposable.

Some Important Considerations when Waxing

Waxing can be done both in Houston Texas salons and at home. Thus, you can either have the help of the specialist, and if you have enough experience, you can do waxing on yourself at home. It is highly recommended however, that you seek this treatment only under the skill of the expert in the beginning. This is because the simplicity and safety of waxing is deceptive. The cost of a waxing session varies from one Houston salon to another. The cost depends on the area of waxing, the type of paste used during waxing as well as the expertise of the specialist. In general however, the cost of waxing is very cheap and can easily fit into any budget. You can have a hair removal wax done on the major areas of your body like the arms, legs, back and face. Waxing is relatively safe. However, if you are seeking this treatment for the first time in Houston, you need to guard against burns and minor itching.

Advantages of a hair removal wax in Houston, Texas

Waxing is a very cheap and effective way of getting rid of unwanted hair. It works the best on large areas of the skin. Waxing is completely safe and very rarely can you have side effect if done correctly. Waxing is safe as it is includes all natural ingredients like sugar, honey and lemon. Waxing also can be done safely at home. It requires no heavy equipment and the waxing paste can be used effectively over and over again.

Disadvantages of hair removal wax in Houston

Waxing can be quiet painful, especially for Texans with sensitive skin. If waxing is done incorrectly, then it can lead to burns, raw skin and blistering. If waxing is done in a salon, the chances of spreading infection can be very high. Waxing is also not a permanent solution to your problem. Hair grows back again sometimes as soon as within a fortnight.
Thus, Houstonians can easily have waxing done if you carefully take both the pros and cons into account.
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Hair Removal Tweeze Techniques and Tips for Houston TX Residents

Hair removal is possible with the help of many techniques. Plucking the unwanted hair with the help of tweezes is perhaps the oldest and seemingly popular with many residents of Houston. You also can make use of this technique by following a few guidelines and by taking note of the tips.

What are tweezers?

Tweezers are the equipment, which can be used to effectively remove hair along with their roots from the follicles. Tweezers are mostly used in the method known as plucking. Tweezers can either leave you indifferent, or they can turn out to be your nightmare. The way you use your tweezers ultimately determines how the process can work out for you.

Choosing tweezers

There are many different types of tweezers that are available today in the Houston beauty care market. From the most simple to the most complicated and advanced. You can have them all. Tweezers can have thin lips for removing minute areas of hair, or they can have slanted mouths, which work best for you if you happen to be a novice as they give you a lot more control than you think. Tweezers of square tips can also come in handy if you have thick or coarse hair. Thus, when you trying to choose the best tweezers, you will have to think along many different guidelines.
It is a good idea to have many different types at hand for all your needs. You should also pay more attention to the quality of the tweezers while making any kind of purchase. See to it that the tweezers bear some stamp of safety approval. The equipment does look small and rarely cause any damage, but it is better to buy a branded product than a cheap duplicate around Houston that can leave you nowhere with your hair removing treatment.

Working with tweezers

Tweezers work the best for removing isolated hair. This method is used in conjunction with other methods of hair removal like waxing and threading. You can see the difference in your skin, if the art is mastered by you, within three to seven weeks. Tweezers also work the best for working with eyebrows. When working with tweezers, see to it that you perform the necessary treatment before bedtime or during a holiday. This will give time for the skin to get rid of the redness. If possible avoid using tweezers before a party of while traveling.
It is also recommended that before actually using the tweezers; you put on some hot washcloth over the targeted area, to loosen the hair follicles a bit. It can also ease the pain a bit. While tweezing it is important that you pull the hair in the direction of the growth. Once you are done with tweezing, be sure to put a soft wet cloth or a teabag to ease swelling or itchiness.
Thus, Houstonians can easily use this technique for removing unwanted hair. The process can be painful and time-consuming. However, this is the safest way of removing unwanted hair.
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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?


Don’t be afraid, laser hair removal don’t hurt like waxing…

The procedure of laser hair removal treatment is so easy that it is not only being provided in many skin care clinics but some domestic gears are also designed so people can use it at their home.  The most asked question from those who wants to get rid of their unwanted hairs permanently is that does laser hair removal hurt?  Many people are there who want to go through the treatment but are scared of getting hurt. They have doubts about after effects and unwanted burns.
As an answer to these fearful questions, those people who have gone through have given a very positive feedback on laser hair removal treatment. According to me along with the satisfied treated people, the answer depends upon who is giving the treatment. In my point of view, anything which is treated by some immature can cause pain and side effects. While if it is done by professional then laser hair removal treatment is not as painful as waxing.
Some medispas use different harmless procedure to numb your skin before starting the treatment. In that case you hardly feel any pain at all. After finishing each session of treatment, ice packs, soothing lotion or an anti-inflammatory may be given to soothe any discomfort. However, experts advise a treated person to avoid direct sun exposure especially without sunscreen for 5 to 6 weeks prior and after each session as it make the treatment less effective and can also cause complication in some cases. In seldom cases, the treated person experiences a little redness in the skin.

In answer to the question that does laser hair removal hurt, I can’t say that this treatment is completely painless but the possible advantages cannot be ignored either. The treatment has some points of discomfort but not for everyone. People with fine hair and light complexion will receive less pain because darker hair or complexion grasps more light which cause more heat. Besides this, it also depends on which body part you want to treat because each part has different level of sensitivity. As mentioned above it’s very important that your selection of treatment venue and professional must be right as the type of equipment being used also effects the pain factor.
Each person has a different level of tolerance and only because some family member or friend felt a bit of discomfort while getting the laser hair removal treatment doesn’t mean you will feel the same. And besides just due to someone’s fear of intolerable pain which is not the case in laser hair removal treatment and pointless doubts that   hair removal with laser hurt or no, are not adequate reasons for anybody to let go all the good benefits that this treatment can provide you easily.
It’s time when you can get rid of the doubt that does laser hair removal it is bad or not in terms of pain  and enjoy a smooth radiant skin after 4 to 5 sessions as you have enough knowledge to handle any challenges the treatment may present.
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Laser Hair Removal: the ninth World Wonder of the Modern


My wife's troubled life a thousand and one uses changed once after I discovered laser hair removal Via Laser.

It was in December 2013, on a sunny day to crack, I was off the afternoon and all set to go to picina club with my son when (baby oooh ahhhhhhhhhh) that panic guy .. forgot waxing !!
Allergic intolerance to blades, and an epilator without time to meet me again the club was for another day ... anger cubed! That day I decided that I would make the laser hair removal!
I researched a lot about the best technologies and benefit cost and readily opted Via Laser alexandrite and his machine.
One of the main reasons for the choice was able to count on a skilled professional in the application, you will always be answered by a physical therapist or doctor.
At the time I did armpit, a dream we always say, I now have global axilla (armpit lie ... I speak of global ... lol) and groin, of course ... are already 2 new life summers and I still have one of the groin sessions of my package to do.
But my life was not complete, I need to do to mid-thigh, and you will follow here and in social networks session by session, and was left in any doubt about the effectiveness of the method, this will be remedied.

The Vialaser and the Alexandrite method
Considered the most efficient and comfortable laser market, Vialaser network is the first and only network of hair removal SC betting on Alexandrite to eliminate by.
More efficient because it also removes the finest. More comfortable because it has a unique cooling technique, which freezes the skin giving comfort and safety to patients.
The Alexandrite works as follows: search the highly concentrated melanin in the hair root and produces overheating and death of the hair bulb (root). Damage the structure with energy shooting. As the Alexandrite has a higher peak power, each session takes place very quickly. Moreover, this laser is more effective in removing the finer as the fluff them.
The Alexandrite combines the laser gas, responsible for cooling the skin, leaving the most comfortable and safe process. In other lasers, for example, there is a need to use a gel to cool and is not as efficient as is the cryogen gas, and it is also common to use anesthetic creams at the time of treatment as the pain produced by other laser is very more than Alexandrite machine used in Vialaser.
In addition to offering all these advantages the Alexandrite method and equipment used in Vialaser is regulated in the source agency (FDA - USA) and also in ANVISA, providing all the necessary safety and undergoing regular maintenance through specialized teams.

Now that you know the benefits that Vialaser brings you just check your free trial to begin eliminating those unwanted hair from your body.

Always follow the banner of Via Laser here on the blog and also in my social networks to promote the month.

Every month a new top promotion for you. Now in March, you get a 10 session package for an area and for 1 REAL wins another package of equal or lesser value to another area. Will miss this ??? And all subdivided 10X ta!?!
Our Lady of the jammed ... pray for us !!! Why with hair removal via laser, there is the never jammed !! folliculitis by by !!

In the next post's tale more about the method and about my new partner, Via Laser.
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What you need to know about laser hair removal


Does this type of hair removal is actually the perfect option for you? To clarify this question, we made a special guide for you know better this type of hair removal and take your questions before.

How laser hair removal works

Through laser hair removal the hair is eliminated because the laser does a penetration in the matrix and eliminates the hair follicle that is responsible for the growth of new hair.

This hair removal hurt?

The laser treatment generates maximum discomfort is not that great. Everything depends on the sensitivity of each type of person, as some may feel more stinging than the other. If you have already removed their by wax, laser hair removal will be even more quiet.

In which regions can I do laser hair removal?

The hair removal can be done in different regions having at and even the groin, it is excellent to eliminate ingrown hairs that both annoy women's lives.

How many sessions are needed?

Typically, people make 4 to 6 sessions. Each session is scheduled in a 30-day mean interval so that those who are eliminated by the laser in the early stages are destroyed after.

Laser hair removal has risks?

Like any other procedure with laser, this type of hair removal also has risks. It is essential to look for a clinic with professional experts, for unregulated devices in the right way can create bubbles, darkening of the region and in severe cases even 2nd degree burns.

This hair removal is even final?

There are regions of the uncontrollable growth hormone by issues such as, for example, by the upper lip. In other regions of the body is difficult to have the birth of the new, but if the hair removal will or will not definitive largely depend on the person, because each one has a reaction that can be different.
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Friday, April 3, 2015

The Secret of Laser Hair Removal


Today I made my fifth session of laser hair removal and I am super happy with the results, so I decided to share my opinion with you. I know a lot of people out there curious about laser hair removal, or who dreams of getting rid of inconvinientes hair, or just want to lower the amount. And I'm not talking about women just do not, men are also now sticking to fashion and using laser hair removal as an alternative.

Well, I'm doing the treatment in Bikini area here in the US, they call "Brazilian Bikini", and then you choose the style: Side, partial or total. It depends on the taste and the customer $$$ pocket But I confess it's worth ... I am very hairy and always shaved me with wax since 15 years. Every month was that suffering, and in my case my decreased by never, on the contrary, I think increased ... So last year I decided to give me a gift of a laser hair removal. I went to the clinic and they did a review on my hair. Because not everyone can do, unfortunately.

Who can?

People with dark skin tone generally can not, because it has a lot of melanin in the body and the laser can make the skin dark. They do a test before. People with light hair can not. The result is better in men who have the line "Tony Ramos." "The more hair, thicker and black, best, for the best type is those who have light skin and dark for the good, and the thicker the better. Bingo !!! Gave just right for me, and then I closed a package of seven sessions, the "Brazilian Bikini Total" ... Aloprei soon .. If it is to suffer, to suffer just once ... hehehehe

Care before and after treatment:

Before each session you should take some precautions such as not taking sun for 4 weeks in the affected area, not discolor the hair, not shave with wax (hair must're grown) and only on the day you shave with a razor blade. You must use an anesthetic cream in the area that will use the laser. Usually I spent a thick layer of cream between 40 to 60 minutes before the session begins. After the session has to wait at least 15 days to face the sun again, then have to is always with sunscreen.

And it hurts?

It hurts. Who says that it hurts not is not telling the truth, it hurts and it hurts even. The laser heats the follicles to 100 degrees centigrade; it burns. Each time the laser jet hits on your skin is as if they were burning her with a cigarette. It's just a burnt quick, hard type 1 second, but depending on the size of the area is 50, 100 shots of these. Only thus, in areas that have less hair, which are thinner you hardly feel. It hurts more where hair is concentrated, but over time decreases the hair and now in the fifth session I felt less pain than the first time. Also the anesthetic cream helps, so it is important to go before the session.

But is it definitive?

Well I think the final term is not appropriate. But you see a drastic reduction in hair. Type'm in the fifth session and the hair decreased 80%. And from session to session which lasts from 6 to 8 weeks hardly notice grow and when it grows is very thin and one here and one there. This is because the hit by laser grow no more - the process kills the hair follicle. I have a friend who has 4 years ago and she said that the hair does not grow again. But some people sometimes need to do maintenance after a few years. However, these new born by which over time will a lesser extent, thinner and spaced.

And after all, worth it?

TOTAL! I had lots of fur. It was a wonder to shave. The best thing I did in life. It hurts but you can bear. And when we see the result, not even remember it hurt more. And this thing that laser hair removal is a woman's thing and gay is bullshit. It has nothing to do. In Europe it is very common. If it's something that bothers you, why not?

Once finished my treatment I'm already thinking of getting a second in another area in the body. But I will still set calmly, because the price is hefty and you pay per session (do not know the values ​​in Brazil). But recently went on the market a big news is that the laser Homemade Tria. He looks more like a hairdryer and from what I've read on the net the chicks are worshiping and seeing the same results of the professional laser. For now you can only buy the laser in the United States. Here's to sell for $ 595 (but if that actually work as people are talking about, I think a good investment.

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Laser hair removal

Those who follow the blog for some time know my "saga" against the hair. I am a "blessed" girl in this area and, therefore, the war on hair started many years ago.

This way, already experienced a little bit of everything: wax, blades, homemade machine pulsed light, creams that promise to slow the growth of alleged final waxing packages, depilatory machines and the like.

More recently, I realized that I had to "deliver" the machines and attack the hair at the root. That's when I decided by pulsed light - were almost two years in sessions, with average results (noticed less hair, but, judging by the number of sessions that did, the results were not as good as I would like).

This year I decided to change and be even more radical in the "attack". After speaking with many people and have collected various opinions, I thought it was worth a bet on the laser.

Thence to reach the Hedonai was a leap. With good references Clinic, it was time to make a first assessment of consultation with Dr Isabel GirĂ£o, the director. At this first visit, Dr. Evaluated me the hair and made me a little test in order to assess the type of hair adn my tolerance to the machine. Only a week later, and having realized that I was perfectly tolerant, is that the first session was marked.

In my case, were recommended two different techniques - the Alexandrite laser, for the body, and electric hair removal for a few hairs I have on of Council area. And last week, was the first session of both.

If it hurt? Yes, a little. But nothing you do not forget the next moment - because the cold, that sits between each shot, attenuates immediately any sensation of pain. And I am authorized to exfoliate the body skin in two weeks - the time it is supposed to much of the fall hair.

The best? Is that the next laser session will only be here approximately 3 months! No more monthly sessions! In Hedonai, more to do with what people have to go there every month, it is essential to respect the hair growth cycle, so that the laser can focus on all the hair, not just on their part.

Regarding electric hair removal, this has to be more frequent (already checked), but assured me be final and the best solution for light hair in tricky areas of the face and chin.

Until next sessions, will you keeping track of the results. I am the hope that this "war" is won by me, for good! And so - what they do? Have experienced this type of laser?
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